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Ingwaz: Rune of Fertility and Potential

    Photo shows a dandelion with the seeds blowing away in the wind. The picture is overlaid with the ingwaz rune in red.

    Runes, the ancient symbols used by the Germanic peoples, carry deep meanings and powerful messages. Each rune has its own story and represents different aspects of life. Ingwaz, for example, is a symbol of fertility, potential, and inner growth. 

    In this blog post, I’ll explore the meaning of the Ingwaz rune, how it appears in rune readings, how to use it as a talisman, and some rituals involving Ingwaz to harness its nurturing energy. I’ll also look at which runes pair best with Ingwaz for even greater benefits.

    Table of Contents

    Ingwaz Rune Meaning

    The twenty-second rune of the Elder Futhark, Ingwaz (ᛝ), resembles two vertically stacked Xs. Phonetically it corresponds to the “Ng” sound.

    Ingwaz is associated with fertility, potential, and inner growth. This rune represents the seed, encapsulating potential and the promise of future growth. Ingwaz symbolizes the nurturing energy needed to bring forth new life and the inner strength required to cultivate personal growth. It encourages us to embrace our potential, to nurture our ideas and dreams, and to recognize the power within us to bring about transformation. 

    Ingwaz reminds us that growth and development often begin with a period of internal incubation.

    Ingwaz in Rune Readings

    Upright Ingwaz

    When Ingwaz appears upright in a rune reading, it signifies fertility, potential, and inner growth. This rune suggests that you are in a phase of preparation and incubation, where your ideas and plans are beginning to take root. 

    Ingwaz encourages you to nurture your potential and to create a supportive environment for growth. It signals a time to focus on personal development and to trust in the process of transformation. 

    This rune urges you to recognize the potential within you and to take the necessary steps to cultivate it.

    Reversed Ingwaz

    Ingwaz does not traditionally have a reversed position – being the same even when upside down. However, if Ingwaz appears in a challenging context, it may suggest delays, blockages, or a need for greater nurturing. 

    This position prompts you to reflect on areas where you may need to provide more support and care to your ideas or personal development. It advises you to remove any obstacles that are hindering growth and to focus on creating a nurturing environment for your potential to flourish.

    Using Ingwaz as a Talisman

    Ingwaz can be used as a talisman to enhance fertility, potential, and inner growth. This energy is especially helpful when worn on the body (like jewelry), or placed somewhere that you want to encourage fertility. Ingwaz can help with physical fertility (placed in the bedroom) or emotional/creative fertility (placed in your creative space).

    You can use any material you like to make your talisman but it’s best to choose something that is suited to the intended purpose. For jewelry, solid precious metals are best. If you’d like to tuck it into a purse or pocket, a stone would do nicely.

    You can also incorporate materials that resonate with nurturing and growth, such as green aventurine, jasper, or seeds. 

    Design the talisman with the Ingwaz rune, either engraved or drawn, and consecrate it through a ritual to charge it with your intention. The talisman serves as a constant reminder of your ability to nurture your potential and to bring about transformation.

    Rituals Involving Ingwaz

    Fertility and Potential Ritual

    This ritual uses Ingwaz’s energy for enhancing fertility and unlocking potential. If you have big ideas or dreams that you’re struggling to bring to light, this ritual may help you get started.

    What you’ll need:

    • Drawing or token of the Ingwaz rune
    • Green or Brown Candle
    • Offerings that represent fertility or potential (seeds, jasper, etc.)

    Begin by lighting a green or brown candle and placing the Ingwaz rune in front of it. Offerings such as seeds or a piece of jasper can be placed around the rune. Focus on your intention for fertility and potential and chant: “Ingwaz, nurture my dreams, let potential and growth bloom.” 

    Visualize your idea as a seed, nestled under the earth. This tiny seed has the potential to become a mighty tree, but only if it’s given what it needs in order to grow. Imagine that the actions you take are like the water, sunlight, and nutrients. 

    See the seed bursting forth, sending out a tiny sprout that grows with each step you take towards your dream.

    Let the candle burn itself out safely.

    Remember what you need to do to nurture this seedling and take some of those steps every single day.

    Nurturing Inner Growth Ritual

    To use Ingwaz’s energy for fostering nurturing and cultivation of your potential, perform this ritual. If you’re feeling stuck or that your growth is stifled, this ritual can help you to figure out how to reach your full potential.

    What you’ll need:

    • Drawing or token of the Ingwaz rune
    • Yellow or Gold Candle

    Light a yellow or gold candle to represent vitality and growth, and place the Ingwaz rune in front of it. Reflect on the areas where you need to nurture your ideas and potential, and visualize the energy of the rune guiding you. 

    Similar to the ritual above, picture a seed. But this time, the seed is you – your potential and your ability to flourish into the fully evolved version of yourself.

    Meditate on this tiny seed within yourself, promising to nurture it and give it all of the energy it needs. Remember that taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, that you are deserving of this care and time spent tending your self development.

    Picture all of the things that are no longer serving you as weeds that need to be cleared away to make space. As you pull out and discard each of these weeds, you make more room for growth.

    Sit in this ritual until you’ve given your tiny plant everything it needs.

    Let the candle burn itself out safely.

    Your self-development is like a garden. It requires consistent work and you should revisit this ritual often to tend to your growth.

    Pairing Ingwaz with Other Runes

    Each rune carries its own unique meanings, and when combined thoughtfully, these energies can complement and reinforce one another. By using runes in conjunction, you can create more powerful and nuanced outcomes, tapping into a deeper well of wisdom and guidance from the ancient symbols.

    Below are some of my favorite rune pairings with Ingwaz:

    Ingwaz and Berkano - Growth and Nurturing

    Pairing Ingwaz with Berkano can enhance your ability to foster growth through nurturing and supportive energy. Berkano, the rune of growth and nurturing, combines with Ingwaz’s energy to create a powerful force for personal and relational development. This combination fosters both the nurturing of new beginnings and the cultivation of potential.

    Ingwaz and Sowilo - Potential and Success

    Ingwaz and Sowilo together can support achieving success through the realization of potential and dynamic energy. Sowilo, the rune of success and enlightenment, enhances Ingwaz’s energy by promoting the importance of nurturing growth to achieve victorious outcomes. This pairing fosters both personal success and the nurturing of new ventures.

    Other Runes to Pair with Ingwaz

    • Algiz: The rune of protection and higher self, Algiz enhances Ingwaz’s energy by providing additional protection and spiritual guidance. This combination supports achieving growth and potential through spiritual awareness and protection.
    • Jera: The rune of harvest and cycles, Jera complements Ingwaz by fostering the natural cycles of growth and development. This pairing encourages the understanding of natural rhythms and the importance of timing in achieving success.
    • Fehu: The rune of wealth and prosperity, Fehu, when paired with Ingwaz, enhances your ability to find growth through abundance and resourcefulness. This combination promotes both material and personal fulfillment through nurturing and dedicated effort.

    Ingwaz is a powerful rune that symbolizes fertility, potential, and inner growth. It reminds us of the importance of nurturing ourselves and our ideas, fostering new growth, and embracing our potential. Ingwaz offers guidance and support in achieving growth and creating a nurturing environment. 

    How do you use Ingwaz? Share your ideas in the comments.

    If you enjoyed learning about Ingwaz, check out the blog for more rune-related content. Stay tuned for upcoming posts exploring other runes and their uses.

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