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Laguz: Rune of Flow and Intuition

    Image shows a waterfall flowing into a pool of water in the woods overlaid by the Laguz rune in red.

    Runes, the ancient symbols used by the Germanic peoples, carry deep meanings and powerful messages. Each rune has its own story and represents different aspects of life. Laguz, for example, is a symbol of water, intuition, and flow. 

    In this blog post, I’ll explore the meaning of the Laguz rune, how it appears in rune readings, how to use it as a talisman, and some rituals involving Laguz to harness its fluid energy. I’ll also look at which runes pair best with Laguz for even greater benefits.

    Table of Contents

    Laguz Rune Meaning

    The twenty-first rune of the Elder Futhark, Laguz (ᛚ), resembles the shape of a flowing river or a wave. Phonetically it corresponds to the “L” sound.

    Laguz is associated with water, intuition, and flow. This rune represents the fluid, ever-changing nature of water and the importance of going with the flow of life. Laguz symbolizes the deep, intuitive knowledge that lies within us and the power of emotions and instincts. It encourages us to trust our intuition, embrace our emotions, and navigate life with a sense of fluidity and adaptability. 

    Laguz reminds us that just as water can carve through stone, our intuitive and emotional strengths can guide us through life’s challenges.

    Laguz in Rune Readings

    Upright Laguz

    When Laguz appears upright in a rune reading, it signifies intuition, flow, and emotional depth. This rune suggests that you are in a phase where your intuitive abilities and emotional intelligence are heightened.

    Laguz encourages you to trust your instincts and to allow your emotions to guide you. It signals a time to go with the flow and to embrace the natural rhythms of life.

    This rune urges you to connect with your inner self and to navigate challenges with a sense of adaptability and fluidity.

    Reversed Laguz

    When Laguz appears reversed, it serves as a warning to address issues related to emotional imbalance, confusion, or resistance to change. This position may indicate feelings of being overwhelmed by emotions, a lack of trust in your intuition, or difficulty in adapting to life’s changes.

    Reversed Laguz prompts you to reflect on areas where you may need to restore balance and to seek ways to reconnect with your intuitive and emotional strengths. It advises you to embrace fluidity and to trust in your ability to navigate through challenges.

    Using Laguz as a Talisman

    Laguz can be used as a talisman to enhance intuition, emotional depth, and adaptability. This energy is especially helpful wherever you want to enhance intuition and emotional flow, such as near your bed or meditation space, or worn as jewelry to carry with you all day long.

    You can use any material you like to make your talisman but it’s best to choose something that is suited to the intended purpose. For jewelry, solid precious metals are best. If you’d like to tuck it into a purse or pocket, a stone would do nicely.

    You can also incorporate materials that resonate with water and intuition, such as aquamarine, moonstone, or blue lace agate. 

    Design the talisman with the Laguz rune, either engraved or drawn, and consecrate it through a ritual to charge it with your intention. The talisman serves as a constant reminder of your ability to trust your instincts and to navigate life with fluidity.

    Rituals Involving Laguz

    Intuition and Insight Ritual

    To invoke Laguz’s energy for enhancing intuition and gaining insight, perform this ritual. If you’ve been struggling to make decisions or feeling disconnected from your inner voice, this ritual can help you reconnect to your inner guidance system.

    What you’ll need:

    • Drawing or token of the Laguz rune
    • Blue or Silver Candle
    • Offerings to enhance intuition (bowl of water, moonstone, aquamarine)

    Begin by lighting a blue or silver candle and placing the Laguz rune in front of it. Offerings such as a bowl of water or a piece of moonstone can be placed around the rune. 

    Focus on your intention for intuition and insight and chant: “Laguz, flow through me with wisdom, let intuition and insight guide my path.” 

    Lie down on the floor and visualize the energy of the rune surrounding you with a fluid and intuitive aura, like water flowing over and around you. You are afloat in a gentle stream, allowing the current to take you where you belong.

    Let the candle burn itself out safely.

    Whenever you are feeling unsure, reconnect with that current, the inner knowing, and allow it to direct you to the right decision.

    Emotional Balance Ritual

    For restoring emotional balance and harmony, incorporate Laguz into this simple ritual. If you find that you are quick to anger, or your emotions swing wildly between extremes, this calming ritual is a good choice.

    What you’ll need:

    • Drawing or token of the Laguz rune
    • Green Candle

    Meditate on the Laguz rune, focusing on the areas of your life where you seek greater emotional balance and peace. Light a green candle to symbolize calm and healing, and place the Laguz rune nearby. 

    Think of situations where you feel your emotions rising out of control. Visualize a wave of soothing energy flowing from the rune into your life, enhancing your ability to navigate emotions with grace and balance. 

    Now see yourself stepping out of your anger and stress and into the cool waters of the ocean. The waves lap against you as you step deeper and deeper into the water, calming your breathing and emotions. 

    Let the candle burn itself out safely.

    Carry your Laguz talisman with you as a reminder to step out of your emotions whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed and take a few calming breaths before reacting.

    Pairing Laguz with Other Runes

    Each rune carries its own unique meanings, and when combined thoughtfully, these energies can complement and reinforce one another. By using runes in conjunction, you can create more powerful and nuanced outcomes, tapping into a deeper well of wisdom and guidance from the ancient symbols.

    Below are some of my favorite rune pairings with Laguz:

    Laguz and Ansuz - Intuition and Communication

    Pairing Laguz with Ansuz can enhance your ability to communicate intuitively and to express your emotions clearly. Ansuz, the rune of communication and wisdom, combines with Laguz’s energy to create a powerful force for intuitive understanding and effective communication. This combination fosters both personal insight and the ability to share your intuitive knowledge with others.

    Laguz and Berkano - Emotional Growth and Nurturing

    Laguz and Berkano together can support achieving emotional growth and nurturing through the power of intuition and empathy. Berkano, the rune of growth and nurturing, enhances Laguz’s energy by promoting the importance of emotional intelligence and nurturing relationships. This pairing fosters both personal and relational growth through intuitive and empathetic connections.

    Other Runes to Pair with Laguz

    • Isa: The rune of stillness and concentration, Isa enhances Laguz’s energy by promoting calm and focused introspection. This combination supports navigating emotions and intuition with patience and clarity.
    • Eihwaz: The rune of endurance and protection, Eihwaz complements Laguz by providing resilience and the ability to withstand emotional challenges. This pairing fosters both emotional strength and intuitive guidance.
    • Raidho: The rune of journey and movement, Raidho, when paired with Laguz, enhances your ability to navigate life’s changes and transformations with purpose and direction. This combination promotes both intuitive guidance and forward movement.

    Laguz is a powerful rune that symbolizes water, intuition, and flow. It reminds us of the importance of trusting our instincts, embracing our emotions, and navigating life with a sense of fluidity and adaptability. Laguz offers guidance and support in achieving emotional balance and intuitive insight.

    As someone who likes to be in control, I often turn to Laguz as a reminder that not everything can be managed. Sometimes the current of life takes us somewhere we never imagined. We can either exhaust ourselves trying to fight it or just learn to go with the flow and see where we end up.

    How do you use Laguz? Share your ideas in the comments.

    If you enjoyed learning about Laguz, check out the blog for more rune-related content. Stay tuned for upcoming posts exploring other runes and their uses.

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